MR Exercise vs Traditional Exercise

January 25, 2022

MR Exercise vs Traditional Exercise

Are you getting tired of traditional workouts or feeling too lazy to leave your house? Well, virtual reality may be the answer to your problems! VR has taken the gaming world by storm, but it's not just for gamers. It can also be used for exercise purposes. But how does it compare to traditional exercise?

What is MR Exercise?

MR (Mixed Reality) exercise is a combination of virtual reality and physical activity. You put on a headset that immerses you in a digital world while performing various activities. It can range from simple games like Beat Saber to more comprehensive programs like The Thrill of the Fight.

Advantages of MR Exercise

One of the most significant advantages of MR exercise is that it makes working out fun. It helps you forget that you are exercising, making you more inclined to stay active for more extended periods. It also stimulates the brain in ways that regular exercise cannot. For example, it enhances hand-eye coordination, improves reaction times, and provides a cognitive challenge.

MR also encourages individuals to push their boundaries, allowing them to set challenging goals for themselves. Many games have difficulty levels that range from easy to expert, so individuals can slowly work their way up. It is a great way for those who are just starting their fitness journey to get started.

Disadvantages of MR Exercise

Like every other exercise, MR exercise has its disadvantages. Long-term usage may have adverse effects on vision, balance, and coordination. It is also worth noting that MR headsets can be expensive, and many require a powerful computer or gaming console to run efficiently.

Traditional Exercise

The other option is traditional exercise. It involves activities like running, weightlifting, or cycling. The primary advantage of conventional exercise is that it is a more natural form of exercise. It does not require any additional equipment or technology. Running in a park or doing push-ups at home is simple, and you can get started without any substantial financial investment.

Advantages of Traditional Exercise

Traditional exercise has been around for years and has been proven to be effective. It improves cardiovascular health, strengthens muscles and bones, and helps to maintain a healthy weight. It is also effective in preventing and managing chronic illnesses like diabetes, hypertension, and depression. Additionally, it provides a great opportunity to socialize and connect with others, whether it be through joining a sports team or going to a fitness class.

Disadvantages of Traditional Exercise

The major disadvantage of traditional exercise is that it can often be quite repetitive and dull. People who are not interested in exercise may find it challenging to stay motivated, leading to decreased activity levels. Traditional exercise can also be dangerous without proper form or equipment, leading to injury.

Which is better?

Ultimately, it depends on the individual's preferences and fitness goals. MR exercise is an excellent option for those who prefer a more immersive and enjoyable approach to exercise. It is also beneficial for people who do not have access to traditional exercise facilities or live in areas with poor weather conditions.

However, traditional exercise is still the most effective way to improve overall health and fitness. It provides a more significant calorie burn and is a more natural form of movement. It's also simpler and more affordable. Ultimately, the best type of exercise is the one that can be consistently done over time.


  1. Slater, M., Khanna, P., Mortensen, J., Yu, I., and Sjolie, A.K.,“Visual Capture of Body Motion for Virtual Reality & Mixed Reality,” IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 44-54, Jan.-Feb. 2019.

  2. “Physical Health and Exercise with VR.” Accessed on January 25th, 2022.

  3. C. Biddiss and T. Chau. “The Clinical Use of Video Games for Rehabilitation: A Review,” Rehabilitation Engineering, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 54, no. 3, pp. 516-523, Sept. 2006.

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